Welcome to
Sweet Pickins Farm
Family owned and operated since 2013

Meet the
Hubner Family
First generation poultry farmers
Animals and farming have always been a huge part of both Jason and Amber's lives. When their daughter Alyssa was born it was clear from an early age that she shared her parents love of farming and animals. Seeing a need in their local area for wholesome, healthy, and raised as naturally as possible meat and eggs sparked the idea for Sweet Pickins. Since 2013 the farm has expanded to raise not only pastured raised meat ducks and chickens, but pasture raised eggs as well. Finding a void for having the ducks processed further sparked the idea of their own processing facility. Since the start from raising and processing birds under Vermont's exemption, to a state inspected facility, to now a USDA facility has been a journey for sure! We are so thankful for the support, ideas, collaboration, and just good ol fashioned brainstorming that has allowed us to get where we are today. We thank you all for your continued support for years to come!
With Gratitude, The Hubner Family

Everything We Offer
Year round access to a variety of duck and chicken products including eggs
USDA Organic Slaughter and Processing Facility
All meat birds are put on pasture as soon as the ground is ready